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Thursday, 21 January 2016

Clean Bolognese

Eating healthy does not have to be boring or expensive. I made this meal today with all ingredients for under €10 its quick and tasty. Hope you enjoy it.


Paaasta - Bought in lidl for 49 cent
Butternut noodles- Bought in Marks and Spencers for €1.49
Mince meat
Coconut oil
Dubliner's reduced fat cheese


1.For the sauce I washed out a mayonnaise jar and poured in the paaasta then add spices garlic,chilli,sea salt,black pepper,paprika and oregano and mix it well.

2.Heat tea spoon of coconut oil in a frying pan. Add mince and season with garlic and chilli.

3.Chop up peppers and add to mince when brown when the mince is fully cooked add your sauce and turn the heat down let it simmer.

4.In a pot of boiling water add your noodles and cook for 10-12 minutes.

5.Grate some cheese and plate up your mince and noodles.

That's it Nutritious and Delicious

Alot of shop bought sauces can have hidden unnecessary sugars added this sauce is made up from99.5% tomatoes and 5% salt. The butternut noodles are very low carb and the perfect alternative to spaghetti although they are not a soft as pasta they still taste great. Try to get good quality mince that is lean. You can also add lots of different veg get creative. This is defiantly a meal the whole family will enjoy.

Happy cooking:)


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