Birth Control
I would recommend coming off birth control 3 months prior to trying for a baby so you can get to know your cycle. I also would recommend taking Zinc and Magnesium which will help regulate your cycle.
Ovulation Tests
You will need to do ovulation test to find out what time you ovulate through your cycle. The average women will ovulate on day 14 of her cycle but everyone is different and if you have irregular cycles then these are a must. I used two types the Clear blue digital ones and the ones from Dealz. The Clear blue are €34.99 for a pack of 10 test and shows up 3 digital results low fertility, high fertility and peak fertility. When I first used them I never reached peak in the 10 test so I had to buy another pack which is quiet costly to be honest I much preferred the ones from Dealz cheap and cheerful and done the job. The test line should be as dark if not darker then the control line which means its a positive and you need to get busy that week as it should be your fertile window. I did the test first thing in the morning many people test twice a day in order not to miss the LH surge. I also used the app called the Period tracker which estimates when your fertile week is and its a fun way to keeps track of things.
Good sources of Probiotics
- Organic yogurt (must say live active cultures/bacteria)
- Kombucha
- Kefir
- Fermented & cultured vegetables (raw sauerkraut)
- Probiotic supplements
- Boosting immune system.
- Preventing and treating urinary tract infections.
- Improving digestive function.
- Healing inflammatory bowel conditions like IBS
- Managing and preventing eczema in children.
- Fighting food-borne illnesses.
I took Bio Kult everyday and also drank Kombucha.
Fertility Tea
I came across this Fertility Tea Ballymaloe food festival I drank this every second day brewed it and drank it cold you can buy it Here
If you're trying to get pregnant, try eating pineapple during the week after ovulation because it contains bromelain, which thickens the uterine lining to help egg implantation. I was eating pineapple like there was no tomorrow now it may be a myth but its worth a try.
Self Fertility Massage
Again I was willing to try anything I did this the week before ovulation find the video tutorial Here.
So they are my tips try not stress about it and relax take time for yourself. If anyone has any question give me a mail and I will try answer them as best as I can.
<3 Thank you!